Empires Academy India’s Best & Most Trusted CA Test Series
Total Students Enrolled (In Last 7 Days) – 5892


Mock Tests | 1 to 1 Live Mentorship | Doubt Session

What to expect from this Mentorship?

You’re not going to become a CA overnight, it takes time and dedicated practice. This Mentorship program is designed to put your efforts to Right Direction.

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How a Mentor will Supercharge your Career?

Having a mentor can lead to greater career success.

Boost up


Laying out your goal with someone else will add an aspect of idealism

Enhanced goal setting, interviewing professional competence.

Meet Our Mentors

CS Megha

Megha is a Company Secretary professional with a proven track record in the field of Education. She is a mentor to the bright students of Empires Academy. Her presence and guidance makes students feel confident & motivated to handle all the challenges they face during the exam time.

CA Amritpal Kaur

Amritpal kaur is a first class post graduate and a Chartered Accountant by proffession. She has a experience in Taxation and Accountancy. she is eminent staff as counsellor among understudies of Empires academy. Her direction helps Students in understanding their shortcomings and vulnerabilities confronted by them amid exam arrangements.

Trusted by Thousands of CA Aspirants the India's


How Empires Academy works ??


Understand your weakness and Strength


We will provide Proper schedule, Routine Targets & Planner


Timely Motivation & Ensuring Students
are Following the Schedule


Testing Program
Measuring performance
Proper Analysis & Feedback

Structured Curriculum

What is included in Test Series Packages

Mock Test paper


Variety of Notes


Additional MCQs


Evaluation Sheets

within 2-3 Days

Doubt & Counseling Session


What our students Describes us?

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs regarding Test Series

What is Test Series?

Ans. Test Series is kind of service in which students give test and prepare themselves for real exams. it helps them to revise their entire syllabus as well as improve their mistakes. Multiple revisions help in easily covering of syllabus as well as learning all important aspects of your study

Ans. Test Series starts twice in year, 1st for May Attempt & 2nd of Nov Attempt. 1st Test Series starts from 1st feb & end at the ending of May Attempt Exams. 2nd Test Series starts from 1st August & end at the end of Nov Attempt Exams.

Ans. No, there is no rigid schedule for appearing tests udner Test Series. Student can appear tests as per their comfort on any day, at any time, in any sequence. Students can appear tests till their real exams conducted by ICAI. But still a schedule has been given on website for the help of students which is made by experts so if students want to give tests as per schedule can follow the schedule. Following this schedule will help students to complete their syllabus in timely manner.

Ans. Go to Syllabus Button & Choose your class, you will redirected to a page which will give you option to download pdf file & in that file you can check out that which test contains which chapters. All Chapters are as per ICAI's Syllabus so cross check them with your own syllabus if you are following any particular teacher's book. Then make a schedule that in which sequence you want to appear for tests.

Ans. This syllabus file is universal file for all the plans (Bronze,Gold,Platinum....etc.). First of all you have to decide a plan that which plan you want to buy (e.g. Gold). Then check from FEES page that this plan contains these tests like (Main Tests, Full Tests, Random Tests....etc.) then check the schedue & syllabus of that particular tests from pdf file.

Ans. This is our chapterwise test series which is most opted y students as it is best way to cover your entire syllabus in very easy way. It is our most popular Test Series having 5 tests which cover entire syllabus by covering 20%-20% syllabus on progressive basis. This will help you to cover your syllabus in 50 days duration as well as review your understanding about subject. We assure you that this will help you to improve before exams.

Ans. A revisionary test series that will help you to revise your syllabus for second time. It contains 2 tests each having 100 Marks and it will cover Whole syllabus. This will help the students to cover entire syllabus again without leaving any topic uncovered. Both the tests will be uploaded on same date but students can appear and submit as per their comfort.

Ans. A new type of test series introduced by our experts to revise all the important topics and cover MTPs, RTPs, Amendments, supplementary and residual topics as issued by Institute on time to time. This series contains 2 tests, 1st covering Important Topics & 2nd Covering other things as mentioned above. This would be of 100 Marks as per the availability of topics.

Ans. A self evaluation basis Test Series of MCQs so students can check that how MCQs will be asked in exams. We understand this that just 5 tests are not enough for coverage of MCQs so Empires Academy is providing additional free MCQs in form of PDFs for revision at home before exams. That files will be downloadable as well as you can get their printout for your comfort. (Empires Academy is working for an Android & iOS Application for MCQs that will be provided to students in next couple of months)

FAQs related to Website

Ans. First of all visit https://empiresacademy.in/register.aspx ( the registraion page) and following steps to be follow:
1. Name (Full Name)
2. Mobile Number (Working cause login ID will be sent to this number)
3. Address (Your House No., Street No., Landmark, if any)
4. City (Your City/Village/PO)
5. State (State or UT)
6. Email (Working e-mail for further communications)
7. Select Class (IPCC/Inter/Final Old/Final New)
8. Attempt (Choose from Drop Down)
9. Select Code (CRO/NRO/WRO/ERO/SRO)
10. Reg No. (ICAI Reg No. only Numerics)
After filling all details click on Submit And a sms will be delivered to your Mobile Number which contains An ID (CAXXXXXXX) & Password (XXXXXXX), you can use that ID to login. (Registration is free so get registered even if you don't want to take test series because it will give you a lot of benefits at later stage like free services & offers)

Ans. Discounts are available on time to time basis. For availing discounts you have to contact us by Whatsapp/Telegram/SMS/Calling on our numbers 8307100512 7814528240 And ask for discounts from our sales executives They will provide you approrpriate discount coupons as per availibility. For getting Discount You first have to register on website because discount code will be linked with your Login ID.

Ans. Yes the pricing shown on website is per subject. There is full flexibility to choose your subject from any plan in any combination. There is no restriction to buy entire group, you can choose any subject under any plan. You can choose any number of subject as well.

Ans. Yes, you can choose any subject. There is full flexibility to choose your subject from any plan in any combination. There is no restriction to buy entire group, you can choose any subject under any plan. You can choose any number of subject as well.

Ans. For that you have to contact our sales executives and avail additional discount if any available.

Ans. For that you have to follow the below given steps:
1. Get Registered and receive Login ID & PW via sms
2. Login into system.
3. Click on Buy Now Button.
4. Confirm that you have choosen correct class as well as correct attempt.
5. Choose your subjects under your required plan
6. Check the total amount shown.
7. Attach coupon code if any available
8. Proceed for checkout
9. Check whether you have filled correct detail and fill ZIP/PIN Code in last box
10. Click Pay Now
11. Pay by using Debit Card/Credit Card/Paytm/UPI/Any other method available.
12. Save the receipt
13. Go to Home Page
14. Go to Profile>>Course Information and check whether your bought subjects has been added. If yes then process is compelete. If No, Kindly contact the Sales Department on Helpline Numbers

Login into System and then click on test series button. There are various options of test series and will be available as per your plan bought, so as per your plan click on type of test series you want to download. Now here you will find the list of Subject whose tests are available. Click on Download button and download test

On Mobile
Login into System, open options from left upper corner. Now click on test series button. There are various options of test series and will be available as per your plan bought, so as per your plan click on type of test series you want to download. Now here you will find the list of Subject whose tests are available. Scroll it from right to left and you will find Download button, Click on that and download test

Ans. First Solve the test on your copy. Preferebly use A4 Size Sheet or Copy/Register. Leave 5-6 lines blank on first page so expert can give remarks easily. After that, write your Name, CA ID, Class, Subject Name, Test Type. Then start solving your answer. Keep atleast 2-3 line space between each answer written. So expert can give remarks easily and readable form. Now use CAM SCANNER app to make pdf. Click photos of full page in proper lighting and focusing. This app will make pdf file of your photos. now you can upload this file by clicking on upload button given on website.

Ans. Normally 2-3 days are taken to check your copy but in peak days due to heavy rush of students it may take 3-4 days to check your answer copy. When you copy is checked it is available in evaluated copy button. You can download it and see your marks.

Ans. Yes, with every question paper there will be suggested answers on button.


Mock Tests | 1 to 1 Live Mentorship | Doubt Session